How To Update Walters Handy Tools / Walters Handy Tools Portable
The current version of Walters Handy Tools is: WHT || Last Updated: 7/29/2021
The current version of Walters Handy Tools Portable is: WHT || Last Updated: 8/02/2021
To see if there is a new version of Walters Handy Tools available go into Walters Handy Tools and click the button that says about this tool and then check to see if the version is different than the version of the one listed above. If it is lower then there is an update available, if it is equal to the version number there is no new version available.
To see if there is an updated release of the current version go into Walters Handy Tools and click the button that says about this tools and then check to see if the last updated date is different that the date listed above. If the date is lower then there is an update available, if it is equal to the date then there is no update available.